Email Etiquette: Phrases to Use When Writing Emails For Work

Without a doubt, email remains a primary mode of communication in business and it isn’t going anywhere. If you’re emailing back and forth internally with colleagues or externally with clients, or stakeholders, your email etiquette, such as the tone and content, can seriously impact your professional relationships. A clear, polite, and effective email ensures smooth communication and reflects well on yourself as a professional.

In this blog, we’ll look at essential phrases and tips to help you when writing emails, ensuring your emails reflect professionalism, respect, and clarity.

The Importance of Email Etiquette

So, how important are your email writing skills? The answer is – very much so! Email is often the first line of communication between businesses, and how you write can leave a lasting impression. Good email etiquette reflects your professionalism and helps maintain a positive tone, avoid misunderstandings, and ensure that your message is received as intended.

See some of the key benefits below of proper email etiquette:

Clarity: Avoids confusion by being clear and direct.

Professionalism: Builds trust and respect in business relationships.

Efficiency: Gets to the point quickly, respecting the reader’s time.

Tone: Prevents misinterpretation of your emotions or intentions.

Key Phrases for Professional Correspondence

Here are a couple of essential phrases that you can incorporate into your emails to portray clarity and politeness while remaining professional.

1. Starting the Email

The way you open an email sets the tone for the entire conversation. It’s important to strike a balance between warmth and professionalism. You want to sound friendly – but not too friendly. You want to sound casual – but not too casual.

✔️ Formal Greetings:

“Dear [Recipient’s Name],”

“Good morning/afternoon [Recipient’s Name],”

“Hello [Recipient’s Name],”

✔️ More Casual Yet Professional:

“Hi [Recipient’s Name],”

“Greetings [Recipient’s Name],”

2. Acknowledging the Previous Email

When responding to an email, it’s polite to acknowledge the prior communication.

“Thank you for your email.”

“I appreciate your quick response.”

“Thank you for getting back to me.”

3. Making Requests

When requesting something, being polite and clear is crucial to ensure cooperation without sounding too demanding.

“Could you please…?”

“I would appreciate it if you could…”

“Would you mind providing…?”

4. Providing Information

When delivering information, structure your message clearly and professionally.

“As discussed, please find the attached documents.”

“In response to your request, here is the information you need.”

“For your reference, I’ve included the details below.”

5. Expressing Appreciation

Showing gratitude in your emails can help build stronger working relationships.

“Thank you for your time and consideration.”

“I appreciate your assistance with this matter.”

“Thank you for your prompt attention to this.”

6. Handling Follow-Up Emails

Sometimes, we forget to do tasks and so do your colleagues. It is important when following up on a task to remain courteous and patient.

“I just wanted to follow up on my previous email.”

“I’m writing to check on the status of…”

“Would you be able to provide an update on this?”

7. Apologising Politely

Mistakes happen, and acknowledging them promptly in a professional manner is key.

“I apologise for any confusion this may have caused.”

“I’m sorry for the oversight and I appreciate your understanding.”

“Please accept my apologies for the delay.”

8. Closing the Email

The closing of your email leaves a lasting impression. Choose a closing that aligns with the tone of the email.

🔹 Formal Closings:


“Best regards,”

“Kind regards,”

🔹 More Casual Yet Professional:


“Thank you,”

“All the best,”

business english emails, work emails, professional emails in english, phrases in english, written english phrases, Email Etiquette

Tips for Writing Effective Business Emails

Find below, our top 7 tips for writing emails:

Be Clear and Concise:
Time is valuable, so be sure to get to the point quickly. Avoid unnecessary jargon or lengthy explanations. Write as clearly as possible to prevent misunderstandings.

Proofread Your Emails:
This is HUGE! Typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect information can make you seem careless. Always take a moment to review your email before hitting “send.”

Use Professional Language:
Avoid slang, overly casual phrases, or language that might be misinterpreted. Remember that tone can be difficult to gauge in emails, so err on the side of formality if you’re unsure.

Respond Promptly:
Timely responses show respect for the other person’s time. Aim to respond within 24 hours or at least acknowledge the receipt of the email if you need more time.

Use Proper Formatting:
This might seem obvious but let me tell you, proper formatting is everything. Break up large blocks of text to make your emails more readable. Use bullet points or numbered lists when providing instructions or outlining points.

Be Mindful of Attachments:
If you’re sending attachments, mention them in your email body to ensure the recipient knows to look for them. Double-check that you’ve attached the correct files before sending.

Mind Your Tone:
Since emails lack the nuance of face-to-face conversation, it’s easy for recipients to misread your tone. Make sure your words reflect the appropriate tone, especially in sensitive or critical messages.

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