What can we do for your organisation?

We provide tailored English language courses to organisations, agencies, and government-funded institutions, which can be subsidised to assist the upskilling of various individuals or businesses. Whether this is for cultural awareness, increasing career opportunities, or providing a better quality of life through language, we can assist your institution in creating bespoke online English lessons for a determined amount of time. Learning will be of a hybrid model, in a combination of teacher-led sessions and autonomous learning.

After a standard level test, one of our native teachers will deliver a bespoke course based on the needs, goals, and problem areas of participating students. During the English language course, students will receive direct explanations, corrections, and feedback in order to instantly improve their language skills, and understand their weak points.

English language courses will be centered around the pressing needs of participants, whether this is learning general English in order to have more efficient daily interactions, or learning how to write their CVs and complete a successful job interview.

We include a monthly “check-in”, to ensure that KPIs are being met and that students are both satisfied and progressing. Needs and priorities will be consistently appraised in order to ensure a profitable service for everyone.

Tailored English Course: Group Lessons, English for Individuals

What’s Included In a Tailored English Language Courses?

  • Hybrid teaching approach: A blend of live sessions with a native teacher, and autonomous e-learning.

  • Small class groups to maximise interaction and practice

  • Targeted, personalised homework with in-depth correction and feedback

  • Management meetings to ensure progress and exchange feedback

  • Level assessments, progress reports, and language certificates, accredited by Everywhere English

  • Access to our learning hub of authentic and varied ESL material. Never stop learning!

  • Access to our online community of other learners. Practice, chat, or ask questions!

  • Access to our webinars and workshops (e.g. pronunciation class, phrasal verbs workshops)

How it works?

Collaborating with us couldn’t be easier. We have designed an easy, no-commitment process that can be completed in just 3 steps:


Once you have registered your institution with Everywhere English, you can easily book a trial lesson and start the learning process. After this, you can subscribe your organisation to a monthly program through our easy-to-use booking system.

Book lessons

Whether booking a trial lesson or scheduling all the classes for the month, just choose the preferred time from our easy-to-use calendar system. We will always send a reminder email to students before the online
English lesson, so they’ll stay consistent with their learning.

Monthly Check-Ins

In order to guarantee results, we arrange a monthly “check-in”, with a representative of your agency or institution. Comprehensive and transparent feedback will be exchanged in order to ensure progress and satisfaction, and check that KPIs are being met. Students will also be able to re-adjust their goals and ensure that their English skills improve each week!

Talk with us today

Talk To Us About Your Expectations & Requirements to Master the English Language


Frequently asked questions

Business English is learning English for business or professional means. The subject is varied and can cover anything from interview practice and CV writing to industry-specific vocabulary. It focuses on the language that truly matters in business – sales, negotiations, presentations, and diplomatic English.

Any non-native English speaker who works. Although you may be fluent enough to speak with friends or go traveling, business English is a large step up. You not only need to be able to understand and speak in English, you’ll also need to pick up on what is not being said or to read between the lines. Most professionals will take a business English course to progress in their career, grow their business sales, or integrate into an English-speaking workplace.

Practice, practice, practice! Using English at work is a whole different story than being able to hold a conversation casually. It needs to be accurate, polite, and in tone with your company – whether that’s bubbly, serious, or salesy. To improve your English for work, learning through a business English course is the best route. Strategise with your teacher on your goals and timeline and you’ll get there! We promise!

Yes, English is the business language of the world. It’s often used as the lingua franca. All multinational companies use it as the common language and international growth of businesses means talking in English. 80% of computers are written in English. So, if you’re promoting your business online, your English needs to be up to scratch!

By having a good level of English, you’ll be able to:


  • Travel the world and make friends with ease.
  • Get promoted into management positions at work.
  • Sell and market to overseas clients.
  • Create global relationships for the benefit of your career.
  • Stand out on your CV for new opportunities.
  • Be seen in corporate meetings and get a word in.

And much, much more!

Having good English skills opens a lot of doors for you! First and foremost, it’s an amazing skill to put on your CV. There are multinational companies globally that are now requiring English as a skill for all employees. Without English, these companies would be closed off for you.


You’ll also be able to make a lot of new connections globally through soft introductions and networking events. This will seriously help your career or even impress your boss.


If you are in sales and marketing (or any customer-facing department), English is becoming a must. Normally, only 7% of employees take on international clients due to their English skills. Guess what? You could be that 7% and see your commission grow!