Everywhere English FAQ

Everywhere English is an English learning solution that helps professionals around the world progress in their careers by using the power of the English language.

We are on a mission to empower learners to not only speak the business language of the world. We are on a mission to empower learners to become the best version of themselves at work.

Employee empowerment is a strong part of Everywhere English’s vision and is a concept that will initially reach 100s, then 1000s, and then millions of professionals worldwide.

Check out the rest of our FAQ s for more!

Everywhere English logo - FAQ

Everywhere English was founded by Kate and Becky early in 2021. They are sisters and business partners and continue to be the front and center of the business.

General FAQ

While using Apps for self-learning will give you a head start, it won’t take you all the way. Language is a two-way street and we go beyond words to build relationships, enhance interactions, and optimize business relationships and partnerships.


Supported by our Ed-Tech solution, Everywhere English offers an immersive language experience that focuses on thinking and speaking like a native speaker.

Everywhere English uses a blended learning approach that is proven to get fast and accurate results. We help employers and employees master the English language unlocking the business potential for international growth.

Investing in your employees supports the professional development of each individual and ultimately strengthens the business as a whole. Our learning hub ensures maximum results from the employee learning experience, optimising team potential. We give a sense of empowerment and career satisfaction that allows employees, teams, and the business as a whole to soar

Employer FAQ

Upskilling your team is the best route to creating a successful business and will help you to scale. Your company is only as good as your team. People buy from people, not products. Communication is key! This is a great place to start. Apart from the specific soft skills related to their department and industry, language learning will help you to internationalize and grow your business.

You may think that when you hire a new employee, you hired them because they have all the skills. This may be true, but in a world that’s forever changing and with advancements in technology, upskilling should be a key part of your strategy. This includes AI technology to shorten task times and English learning to keep your non-English speaking employees up to date with current trends in the language.

English is the business language of the world. 80% of the internet is written in English. Growing your business means that you’ll need to follow this trend. The most streamlined route to this is to upskill your employees so they can run your business through English.

Your Sales Team

Sales comes down to one thing – communication! Follow these steps to create a sales force to be reckoned with:

  1. Weekly catch-up meetings
  2. Monthly information meetings on new products and changes
  3. CPD implementation, including English learning for international and English-based companies.
  4. Keep up-to-date with your KPIs and KBIs to see what’s working and not working (don’t worry we handle the English learning KPIs for you).

Going international requires a lot of thinking, and therefore a lot of strategy meetings. Every business is different, so every plan will be different. However, one thing all businesses agree on is if you are going international with your business, all departments will need English. This will create an inclusive environment between branches and clients. Not to mention that English will help you with your sales and marketing!

Entering a new market that you are unfamiliar with has its challenges and takes time. The key is patience. Your strategy will depend on the industry you’re in and the market you intend to target. Here are some common strategies:

  • Set up an office and business address in the target market
  • Research the market trends and interview potential clients
  • Run A/B testing to see what works
  • Train your staff to be equipped in that market, including language learning.

Business English FAQ

Business English is learning English for business or professional means. The subject is varied and can cover anything from interview practice and CV writing to industry-specific vocabulary. It focuses on the language that truly matters in business – sales, negotiations, presentations, and diplomatic English.

Any non-native English speaker who works. Although you may be fluent enough to speak with friends or go traveling, business English is a large step up. You not only need to be able to understand and speak in English, you’ll also need to pick up on what is not being said or to read between the lines. Most professionals will take a business English course to progress in their career, grow their business sales, or integrate into an English-speaking workplace.

Practice, practice, practice! Using English at work is a whole different story than being able to hold a conversation casually. It needs to be accurate, polite, and in tone with your company – whether that’s bubbly, serious, or salesy. To improve your English for work, learning through a business English course is the best route. Strategise with your teacher on your goals and timeline and you’ll get there! We promise!

More Business English FAQ

Yes, English is the business language of the world. It’s often used as the lingua franca. All multinational companies use it as the common language and international growth of businesses means talking in English. 80% of computers are written in English. So, if you’re promoting your business online, your English needs to be up to scratch!

By having a good level of English, you’ll be able to:

  • Travel the world and make friends with ease.
  • Get promoted into management positions at work.
  • Sell and market to overseas clients.
  • Create global relationships for the benefit of your career.
  • Stand out on your CV for new opportunities.
  • Be seen in corporate meetings and get a word in.
  • And much, much more!

Having good English skills opens a lot of doors for you! First and foremost, it’s an amazing skill to put on your CV. There are multinational companies globally that are now requiring English as a skill for all employees. Without English, these companies would be closed off for you.


You’ll also be able to make a lot of new connections globally through soft introductions and networking events. This will seriously help your career or even impress your boss!


If you are in sales and marketing (or any customer-facing department), English is becoming a must. Normally, only 7% of employees take on international clients due to their English skills. Guess what? You could be that 7% and see your commission grow!

Writing Skills

The best writing skill you can learn is that moment when you start thinking in English instead of translating in your brain. There’s no better feeling than having a dream in your second language – definitely a eureka moment! Once you start thinking in English, the emailing will start to flow better.

As a cheat, it’s always nice to have some canned responses ready to copy and paste that you use a lot. For example, “I’m the head of the department and am contacting you in regards to your query.” or “I look forward to hearing from you.”. Have these saved on a Word document and ready to go. You’ll definitely save some time!

There are different levels of formality at work. You’ll have to take into account the size of the company and your relationship with the recipient. Smaller companies tend to be more informal as a rule of thumb. You should also take into account the subject of the email. If the subject is something you might need to refer back to in the future – for example, a project decision – it should be more formal than your daily back-and-forths.

Reading and writing emails can be tricky.


When writing emails internally in the workforce, writing shorthand is fine. Please be careful in the type of work you are in, but if colleague are writing to you with one word sentences, then why not follow the crowd. For instance, if you are approving something, instead of writing “I approve this.”, correct this to just “Approved.”.


Best of Blogs

Blog Hyperlinks here – public frontend ones.


Study Methods

Cornell Method of Taking Notes

Study skills

Mind mapping


Speaking Skills

Use our live chat! We’ll help you instantly. If you’re out of our timezone and need something faster, google is actually pretty good for helping with this. There is also thesaurus.com that’s excellent if you know a word similar but can’t think of the one you want.

It’s hard to expand your vocabulary without having a topic in mind. Instead of coming at this with “expand my vocabulary” as the goal, you should pick a topic to learn about and as a bonus pick up new words. This is a much better and more immersive way to learn English. Use the study method you prefer with this topic and go from there.

Always remember when you’re having a conversation with a native English speaker and come across a word you don’t know, ask them what it means! Most people in the world are friendly and willing to help. The best learners we’ve seen even carry a notebook around to write down their words of the day.

Quick FAQ

You can learn English in lots of different ways for free! There are apps like Duolingo to help you get the basics. You can also fully avail of YouTube videos. At Everywhere English, we have resources such as informational blogs which are free!

Although you can learn English for free, working with a teacher is the quickest way to become fluent in English and sound like a native speaker.

Confidence is a big one and something that we naturally focus on in lessons. Confidence means that you’ll be able to speak up in meetings, give presentations, and sell products. The best way to do this is speaking practice. We can all hide behind laptops and never gain confidence! Talk with your teacher and work on pronunciation. There are also lots of “Tinder”-style Apps to help you talk with strangers to improve. This will help you build the confidence to talk with people you know.