Learning a new language can be such an amazing experience! Online lessons with our tutors are the primary and most consistent way to learn English. However, we can’t get English lessons 24 hours a day! So we are here to let you know how you can learn English in your free time. There are many fun ways to help you learn along with lessons without even knowing it! Stay tuned for the most fun ways to learn a new language:
You may feel like you don’t have the time to improve your English skills, but think again! Listen to Podcasts while going for walks or running. Our teachers love to recommend TedTalks. They are nice and slow, easily understandable and fascinating all at the same time! The BBC Council do fantastic podcasts for learners of all levels (A1 – C2)
Have you ever watched a TV series so much that you know all the lines? Yes – us too! An obvious series to watch again but in English is Friends (Oh. My. God!). The chances are you’ve already watched Friends once or twice in your native language. In which case, when you start watching it in English it’ll be much easier to follow because you already know the storyline. You know the story. You know the characters. This give you a chance to focus on the accuracy of the language and specific details.
You’ve probably heard of the addictive SCI-FI series, Stranger Things, but have you thought about watching in its original English? Yes, some of the kids’ slang words might be a little bit hard to understand, but, in general, children speak a lot slower and clearer than adults, making the series pretty easy to follow.
What better way is there to learn ‘the Queen’s English’ than from the Queen herself? The Crown follows the life of Queen Elizabeth from coronation to modern times as she deals with the pressures of life in the royal family. Not only will you pick up an incredibly posh British accent, but you’ll also learn loads about the history of the British monarchy.
Reading is a great way to improve your English! Reading novels that you’ve read before will always help you pick up new vocabulary and gain a faster reading speed. We’ll start this off with an absolute classic – The Wind and the Willows. This classic tale takes place in the English countryside and shares the adventures of the animals that live by the river. Grahame’s simple use of language with imaginative stories makes this a pleasurable read for both adults and children.
In the same category as Friends, the whole world has read the Harry Potter books! This is very obvious one to list, but it has to be said! You’ll definitely pick up some words you won’t use out of the wizarding world, but Rowling’s use of language is not overly complicated – and let’s face it, do we need another excuse to re-read Harry Potter?
You’d be surprised how much you’d pick up from listening to Music. With most choruses being repetitive, you will learn phrases and colloquial expressions through song! How many ways can we say “I love you”? Let me tell you – it’s many many times!
Watching the music videos will show expression too, so this is also a good idea if you have the time. Our favourite era with lots of repeating phrases is the 90s.
What’s your favourite way to learn English? We are happy to recommend tailored methods, depending on your preferability and this can even be homework!