Recent Blogs


New York, New York! Words to help you get around in the Big Apple

A lot of people are of the opinion that the version of English spoken in the US is a watered-down version of the English spoken in the UK. This is simply not true. Language is an ever-evolving phenomenon, which changes and adapts to the place and culture it is spoken in. Because of this, it […]

Happy World Kindness Day | Idioms for Expressing Kind

As humans of the world, we are people who thrive on interactions in all aspects of society. One of the most admirable traits, and arguably what makes living worthwhile, is our ability to display kindness. There are many acts of kindness, but to put it simply, kindness revolves around helping others to make life a […]

Idioms for Expressing Fear in English

With Halloween fast approaching, we once again get a chance to focus on the less pleasant acceptances of life such as dread and fear. Halloween is a holiday which originated in the English-speaking world. Ireland to be exact! “Hallow” or holy person, refers to the saints celebrated on All Saints’ Day, which is November 1st. […]

Challenges teachers’ face when teaching in native English speaking countries

Teaching English in an English-speaking country is an endeavour which brings with it unique challenges and for which you must be well prepared and ready for tough competition. The main thing, which usually disadvantages foreign teachers who move to an English-speaking country to teach the language, is the high qualifications required to be considered for […]

The Benefits of Professional Help

Learning English, as with any other language is a process which takes a long time and requires a lot of effort. And while it is technically possible to learn English by yourself, this is generally less efficient and a way to accumulate mistakes which will be hard to rectify the higher a level of English […]

Finding a Multilingual Job

An insight to help you branch out professionally with your language skills   Securing employment can be difficult for everyone! It can prove even more difficult if you are applying for a job where the company has English as its primary language. Whether it’s an international corporation or you have moved to another country and […]